Monday, January 19, 2009

Hey All,

I'm leaving VA tomorrow afternoon (finally) to head back up to NYC (after the Inauguration! Wish me luck!) and I start class on Wednesday, so I may not be back online until Thursday. Sarah- I decieded to keep the Book a few days longer so that I can throw in some prints from the Inaguration. Digital pictures are cool but prints are better, I think, so I should have it in the mail by Wednesday. Definitely look out for that because the U.S. postal system is shaky. I'm guessing everyone will be starting school again this week so, good luck! I'm going to take 10,000 pictures tomorrow and hopefully my camera won't get jacked. Look for me on TV! Ha, like I'll be anywhere near the cameras. It's all in the experience, people.


Lolita Hazed said...

Um, WOW. Obviously, that's no problem considering we're all going to want a play-by-play! That's amazing! Be at your most careful though and use the bathrooms before going!

Mary H.K. Choi has a survival guide right here if you'd like more tips:

Erika said...

Yay! Have fun at the Inaug! BTW: that's the cool kids' way of saying it, inaug. Get a picture of what Mrs. Obama is wearing; I'm dying to know what awesomeness she will step out in! Good luck navigating the MASSES that will be out and get a ton of pics of the craze racists that are just at the inaug to protest!